Quality & Standards
The interplay of lean processes, a responsible approach to our environment and the creativity, expertise and team spirit of our employees are the cornerstones of our targeted environmental and quality policy. All of this enables us to create innovations that do not fit into any box and inspire customers with their high quality and standards.
Sustainability is the goal, technology is the path.
In addition to our quality requirements, protecting the environment is our top priority. We all live in the here and now. On planet Earth – the blue planet. No one can shirk their responsibility here, which is why we carry out all our actions with care in order to protect our habitat. To preserve it for future generations just as worth living in as we do for ourselves!
Environmental protection in companies is playing an increasingly important and growing role. Especially in companies that – like us – operate worldwide. The topic of environmental protection is becoming increasingly important in society and the economy, not only due to stricter environmental regulations, but also in particular with regard to future generations. For this reason, every one of our employees is also required to act in a resource- and environmentally friendly manner internally.
“The power is in the quality”
(Friedrich Nietzsche)
We create innovations every day through the passion and ingenuity of our employees. Driven by this, we realize qualitatively outstanding products that naturally meet the highest quality standards.
Quality secures jobs. True to the motto, only the best is just good enough.
That’s why we put our passion and our heart and soul into everything we do – in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard – because this is the only way we can constantly improve and ultimately inspire our customers with our services.
Kreativität und Teamgeist unserer Mitarbeiter:innen ermöglichen erstklassige Leistungen. Deren Zufriedenheit ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil unserer Kultur, weswegen wir einander mit Respekt und Wertschätzung begegnen.
Unsere Kund:innen und deren Zufriedenheit
stehen im Zentrum all unserer Bemühungen. Aus den an uns gestellten Anforderungen gestalten wir Visionen, die begeistern. So entsteht für uns Raum um neue Ideen zu entwickeln.
Wir gestalten
unsere Prozesse lean, auf Kosteneffizienz und Störungsfreiheit ausgerichtet, mit der Verpflichtung zur fortlaufenden Verbesserung unseres Management-Systems und dessen Leistungen.
Oberstes Ziel ist die Einhaltung unserer bindenden
Verpflichtungen. All unsere Entscheidungen treffen wir stets mit Bedacht und nachhaltig zum Schutz der Umwelt und zur Vermeidung von Umweltbelastungen.
Process optimization – the key to a successful environmental policy
It is important to us to constantly improve internal processes in order to prevent environmental pollution during production, storage and transportation. We also attach great importance to environmentally friendly suppliers and renewable raw materials.
IMS and continuous improvement
An integrated management system in accordance with ISO 9001 and 14001 is used to ensure compliance with quality and environmental targets.
By regularly carrying out internal and external audits, management reviews and continuous development of our daily activities, we are able to check compliance with legal and internal requirements. All this helps to continuously improve the management system of A&W Maschinenbau.